The new SuperFriends

justice-league-wallpaper-images-10I have nice memories from my early years, having a truly funny time seeing the superheroes cartoons.

Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Ironman, etc.

However, when they really caught me, was when they leave their lonely avengers personality and they starting to do work in group, like a team. The first of them that I saw, was the fantastic 4, where  the elasticity, invisibility, strength and the fire, although it can be used by separated, at combining they became in a super powerful force that no one enemy will can to defeat.

F4The same thing happens with the Justice League: ability, superforce, prowess, intelligence, communication capabilities, was a kit that ensure the success of any mission. More over, when one of them stay alone, generally the problems begun.

At the last NRF has returned to my mind those memories, when I saw different Artificial Intelligence (AI), all of they promotion like Virtual Assistant, doing the same thing each one, with almost identical demos:

  • Hi NNN
  • How I can help you?
  • Please assign to Dan a task
  • Agree, assigned , anything else?
  • Yes NNN, please teel me the status os the work that I assigned to you yesterday
  • It is in progress…

And so on every module I saw

It is only necessary to replace NNN by the name of the AI on duty, even those who did not attend the meeting. Erika, Siri, Cortana, Alexa, etc. They all show themselves doing exactly the same thing.

Isn’t it time to specialize these new technological tools?

In other words, it is not the same to have Virtual Assistants of attention to the general public, than to function as task organizers, or as Help Desk agents.

Each task requires special characteristics, which although they can be trained in each one, if we incorporate them from the beginning we can reduce training and implementation. If we also establish standards so that they can communicate with each other and pass on tasks, the synergy and efficiency that can be achieved will be much more than what we are currently focusing on.

And that’s because AI-Rose can perfectly take care of probing and receiving feedback from customers. We pass them on to AI-Mike who would be in charge of coordinating, scheduling and seeing that the activities are executed. For its part, AI-Sonia reviews the needs of the company’s production units to generate preventive tasks and ensure that everything is in optimum conditions for the execution of human tasks. (The names have been changed to protect the innocent)

The speed and efficiency of reaction and prevention could give us a basis to generate productive activities that today are not within our reach and efficiencies so that competitiveness increases considerably.

AsistentesVirtualesJust think that the AI tools we build should not compete with each other, but rather create niches of individual advantages that can be integrated into the new Super Friends.




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